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The Crossroads Journal

Northern Utah County Notes

By Linda Petersen
• In response to concerns from the fire chief about the narrowness of the road, on May 22 the city council voted to restrict parking on Fort Canyon Road from Meadowlark Drive northward to where the 26-foot-wide road ends, and to allow permitted parking for events with parking only on the east side of the road.
• Trash and recycling pickup will be delayed one day for July 4, 5 and 6.
• Service will continue as usual for Pioneer Day and Labor Day.
• A new handbell choir is starting up in the Alpine/ Highland area. Fifteen people are being sought to participate in the choir and they are seeking donations to cover the cost of the hand bells. Contact Paige Erickson at for more information.

• On May 8, the city council approved an extra $500 in funding to provide all third graders who attend school in American Fork, regardless of where they live and all third-grade level homeschoolers with a dictionary.
• The Daughters of the Utah Pioneer Museum has begun its summer schedule. The museum is open 1-5 p.m. Mondays and Fridays and 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays. Museum tours are free.
• The Utah State Firefighters' Association recently selected American Fork as the site of its 2019 convention.

• Donald Gary Young, founder of Young Living which is headquartered in Lehi, died May 12 due to complications following a series of strokes. Shortly after the company withdrew its support for the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, a passion of Young's.
• San Luis Obispo camera accessories manufacturer Really Right Stuff is relocating to Lehi and bringing many of its employees with it, as they "can't afford to buy a home" in SLO, according to Cal Coast Times. CEO Joseph Johnson stated in a news release earlier this year that rising costs in California are driving his company out of the state. "Continually rising costs in California make it tough for a small business to compete in the global economy," Johnson said. "We love beautiful San Luis Obispo, but our employees can't afford to buy a home. "The business-friendly environment and low cost of living in Lehi, Utah made it a clear choice for us to best serve our customers and employees long-term," Johnson said.
• The city will celebrate July 24, Pioneer Day, with its annual Foam Day. The event which will be held at the Lehi Sports Park, 2000 West 700 South, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. will include live music, vendor booths, bounce houses, food and more. The foam will be sprayed from 1 to 3 p.m. Afterward there will be free watermelon for everyone.

• The city council has approved a resolution designating Canyon Oaks Park as a campground and has set a fee schedule for campground rentals. Rentals began June 1.
• The Summer Youth Theater Workshop will present "Thoroughly Modern Millie" June 29-30.
• Auditions are being held for adult roles in "Blithe Spirit" which will be performed Oct. 26, 27, 29, Nov.2, 3 and 5. Interested parties may submit a one-minute video monologue to or audition June 27 from 7 to 9 p.m. Rehearsals start in September.

• The police department is seeking volunteers to help in Victim Services. Volunteers help crime victims by assisting with crisis lines, providing support, being involved in community outreach and education, working on projects and assisting with office clerical support when needed. Training will be provided and the hours are flexible. Call Holly Johnson for more information (801)766-6503 x 133
• The youth summer theater program will present two performances of Disney's The AristoCats kids on July 20 at 7 p.m. and July 21 at 2 p.m. at Thunder Ridge Elementary, 264 North 750 West. Performers are ages 8 to 14.
The community news source for Eagle Mountain Utah, Saratoga Springs Utah, Lehi Utah, American Fork Utah, Highland Utah, Alpine Utah, and The Cedar Valley, including Cedar Fort Utah and Fairfield Utah. Copyright 2025 The Crossroads Journal LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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